The water and sugar should be heated for 5 - 6 mins in medium heat in order to avoid burning the caramel.
Brown or white sugar can be used when preparing the caramel, but it should be noted that the brown sugar will melt more quickly when making the caramel component of the pudding.
It is not recomended to prepare the caramel pudding in a microwave as you may not receive the correct caramel pudding texture and flavor if the pudding is microwaved.
If steaming the caramel pudding, use a Pressure cooker and steam the pudding for 20 minutes
It is reccomended to strain the mixture into the bowl before baking or steaming the pudding, to get a creamy texture
Yes. To find out if the caramel pudding is properly steamed, take off the foil sheet on top of the pudding and insert a toothpick to the middle of the caramel pudding. If the toothpick comes out clean, it indicates that the caramel pudding is properly steamed.